When it comes to obtaining the best personal loan for you or your family, what factors should you consider? Having been in the personal loan business for over twenty years, we have tips that can help make your personal loan application process a pleasant one:

·  Closely determine the loan amount you need.
It can be tempting to borrow more money than you need, but that will increase your monthly payments and can influence your interest rate. Keep a minimalistic attitude when borrowing money – take what you need and leave the rest!

·  Identify the monthly payment for the loan.
Not only do you need this information in order to budget your payments, you also need to know how long you will be required to pay this amount. Installment loans and payday loans have differing payment processes: installment loans are made typically for larger amounts, and therefore, their payments may be higher than those associated with a payday loan.

·  Understand the interest rate you will receive.
Every loan comes with an interest rate that is largely determined by any individual’s credit score and payment history. The sooner you pay back a loan, the less money you pay overall in interest rate charges. However, if the interest rate is exceptionally high, it might be wise to shop around before making a final decision on the personal loan lender.

·  Read the fine print.
Ask about any penalties for early payment as well as any miscellaneous fees associated with the loan. Make sure you read the contract agreement and inquire about any areas that are unclear or are issues of concern.

If you are considering a personal loan, we invite you to contact Advantage Financial Services for more information on our interest rates and next-day loan process. We look forward to hearing from you!


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